Astrophotography Landscape

Astrophotography & Winning the Nikon Photo Contest

Dan Stein photo of the Milky Way in the sky over a snow covered landscape
Big Slidebow. A 39 image panorama of the entire Milky Way arch as captured from the summit of a hike in the Adirondacks, NY. I used my star tracker to capture the star images along with a panorama head mounted to the tracker to make the overlap calculations for each panel seamless and then waited around until blue hour to capture the foreground with the camera in the exact same position. All images captured with my Z 6 and NIKKOR Z 35mm f/1.8 S.

Dan Stein has a day job. Nights though, are for astrophotography. Dan—who considers himself to be a creator because as he says, “he’s not simply photographing a scene, but showcasing an experience”—can spend months or years planning for a specific image.

Dan’s foray into astrophotography began when he was a freshman in college and had an assignment to draw the phases of the moon. As he explains it, he can’t draw so he talked his professor into letting him photograph the phases of a moon using a DSLR. That brought an invitation to view and photograph a meteor shower at a nearby dark sky location and as he says, “That night I literally took a shot in the dark and fell in love with astrophotography.”

Dan Stein photo of star trails over the Adirondack Mountains, NY
The Beginning of the World. Over 5 hours of images combined to illustrate the path of the stars as the Earth rotates seen over the Adirondack Mountains, NY. Peak fall foliage and a cloud inversion illuminate the landscape below. All images captured with my Z 7 and NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.8 S.

Why astrophotography?

Astrophotography is rewarding on so many levels. There are nights where you might be half asleep shooting a meteor shower, then BAM! One massive meteor streaks across the sky and suddenly you feel more alive than ever. It is this very sense of pure awe of the show for which the cosmos display for us.

Dan says the more he shoots, the more challenges he’ll create for himself.

There are no boundaries in how I can create a piece that speaks to me. Maybe it is going for an even more difficult hike or trying to achieve even more detail in my shots by mosaicing while tracking or going for a scene that combines elements of both deep space astrophotography and nightscape astrophotography. All of this combined allows for each night under the stars to be even more rewarding.

Astrophotography 101

There are a lot of techniques I use to photograph our sky, oftentimes I combine them as well. I use a portable star tracker which I can take on hikes with me. While this complicates the whole process, the tracker allows me to capture a ton of detail in our night sky.

A star tracker—also known as an equatorial mount—basically allows you to move the camera as the earth moves when taking long exposure photos of the night sky. Without one you won’t be able to take a very long exposure.

Depending on the image being created, Dan may also stack images, combining differing exposures for the sky vs the foreground landscape. Stacking, which uses software in post-production also gets rid of noise and is critical when shooting deep space objects like galaxies or nebulae.

Dan Stein photo of the M33 galaxy
Messier 33, also known as the Triangulum galaxy. 170 30-second exposures were combined taken at 500mm using my Nikon Z 6, Mount Adapter FTZ, with the AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR and my portable small star tracker. Taken from a dark sky spot in PA.


Visit Dan’s website and you’ll see a gallery of Danscapes. We had to ask, just what are Danscapes? They’re Dan’s take on landscapes. “Since I am mostly an astro guy at heart, I figured I would just put a twist on the word landscape by flipping around the letters a bit to spell my name,” he explains.

Dan Stein photo of the Milky Way in the sky over a lake and mountains
Nikon Photo Contest Winning Image. By the Bells. The Milky Way setting over the Maroon Bells in Colorado. A record snowpack year allowed for snow to linger around long enough where the summer alignment of the Milky Way atop the snow-capped peaks was able to be captured. I used my star tracker to capture the stars and turned the tracker off to shoot the foreground images in the exact same camera position otherwise both the reflection in the lake below as well as the foreground would have become blurry from the tracker. But I still wanted to get a nice clean and sharp foreground, so in order to reduce the noise due to everything being so dark, I shot a bunch of images all back to back and stacked them. All images captured with my D850 and AF-S NIKKOR 14-24 f/2.8G ED.

Nikon Photo Contest

A couple years back, one of Dan’s nighttime landscapes, By the Bells (above) was one of the winning images of the annual Nikon Photo Contest. Dan says that it’s one of his favorite images of all time. He tells us the story behind the image which features the Milky Way.

Nearly 5 years ago my friends and I went on a road trip through Colorado and the Southwest US. We arrived at the location and I set up my tripod but the sky was 100% clouds. After shining our flashlights around the perimeter of the lake we could see a good number of eyes watching us and decided to retreat to avoid becoming dinner.

The next year, I attempted the shot again. I’d driven offroad for nearly four hours and was on the last leg of my drive when I was stopped by a police officer wondering why I was out at such a late hour. I showed him my camera and explained what I was going to be photographing. The stop had cost me time. I rushed to the location and began my setup. I only had a few minutes to shoot before blue hour began which would wash away the Milky Way. Finally, I got my shot. I had a dilemma though. Stay another 30 minutes and risk missing my flight home to get the foreground and lake stack layers as clean as possible or shoot a quick noisy shot to play it safe. I took the risk, even though I had to be at work early the next morning.


I love this image, but I never thought it could win any awards, and a Nikon award for that matter. I honestly thought the email was fake when I received word that I had won. I won a Z 5 full frame mirrorless camera which I use for b-roll/reels.

Being shy about bragging on social media, Dan’s friends took it upon themselves to spread the love on his behalf. He’s received positive feedback in regards to winning and about the image itself.

Dan is one to pay it forward. He’s been fortunate enough to have folks offer pointers when he’s been stuck, and so he feels it’s important to return the favor to people who may seek inspiration in his own work.

I think laying out all of the tools and techniques I use to create my shots also demonstrates the transparency in this process. Often times an astrophotograph can be misunderstood for being digital art or altered heavily, when in reality there is just a significant creative process behind each image.

Dan Stein photo of the M31 Galaxy
Messier 31, the Andromeda Galaxy. The relative size of this galaxy is 5x larger relative to the Moon in our sky, however it is too dim to be seen like the Moon. This image consists of only a little over an hour of data taken using my Z 6, Mount Adapter FTZ and AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR with my equatorial mount from the heavily light polluted skies of NJ.

Dark Skies—Few and Far Between

One thing I want to point out is that as light pollution spreads, dark skies are becoming even more challenging to find. Pair that with waiting for the phase of the moon to be where you need it (new moon as opposed to full moon) and the weather to cooperate, then throw in the mix of needing to hike up mountains to capture certain landscapes—astrophotography requires a lot of practice and patience.

Dan says he knows there is still much he can learn. “I encourage anyone who wants to try astrophotography to acknowledge that there will be a lot of ups and downs, learning does not happen overnight,” he says, adding, “it is important to embrace the difficult nights out just as much as the successful ones. Have patience, and remember the skies will be there for us, even if that means going a little further out of the way to find them.”

Landscape Photographic

Photographing Nature on a Different Wavelength

Photo of trees with white foliage against a blue sky taken using an Infrared converted Nikon camera by Chris Baker
Bald Cypress Boardwalk at the Wheeler Wildlife Refuge in Decatur, AL. Nikon Z 5 converted with an internal 590nm IR filter, NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S lens at 14mm focal length, f/13, 1/50 sec, ISO 100.

Chris Baker regularly photographs nature on a different wavelength. Literally. Don’t know what we mean? We’ll explain. Chris uses Infrared (IR) photography techniques to create otherworldly images.

Chris has a day job, as an engineer for NASA and while you might think that photography as an art and engineering are polar opposites of one another, Chris explains that he uses the same thought processes for both.

While photography is considered an art, there is a science and technical side that engages my engineering, problem-solving side. My initial goal was understanding how the camera works, which came very natural for me. Once I had a fundamental understanding of the science of shutter speed, aperture, ISO, lenses, sensor types, and histograms, I felt like I could adapt to any genre of photography.

Another parallel between engineering and photography, is my approach to shooting. When I’m confronted with a scene, I treat it like I would any engineering problem. I go through a logic or decision flow that will guide my creative choices. What lens is required? Am I wanting to control depth of field (aperture) or motion (shutter speed)? Is a filter required? Should I shoot from a high perspective or low?

For Chris, the small details matter. And perspective is used to engage the viewer of his nature and wildlife images. He’ll deconstruct his favorite photos to understand why he’s drawn to them, then look for opportunities to apply those techniques in his own work.

Photo of a dandelion taken using an Infrared converted camera, by Chris Baker
Dandelion in Madison, AL. Nikon Z 5 converted with an internal 590nm IR filter, Mount Adapter FTZ, AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D IF-ED lens, f/13, 1/500 sec, ISO 160.

Infrared Photography Primer

Chris first ventured into Infrared photography in mid-2021, using a filter on the lens of his Z 6II. Within a short time he was hooked and invested in a converted Nikon camera body the next year.

Chris explains that the Hoya R72 (720nm) filter is a popular starting point for Infrared photography. It produces very strong, traditional monochrome Infrared images because it limits the amount of visible light entering the lens. And with some post-processing finesse, can generate false color images.

“The trick,” he says, “becomes working around the internal IR blocking filter incorporated into DSLR and mirrorless camera bodies.” You’ll need to use long shutter speeds, even on a bright sunny day, up to 30 – 90 seconds, which will limit you to shooting subjects that aren’t moving.

Trees in a nature preserve photographed with an infrared converted camera by Chris Baker
Hays Nature Preserve in Owens Cross Roads, AL. Nikon Z 5 converted with an internal 590nm IR filter, NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S lens at 21mm focal length, f/10, 1/80 sec, ISO 100.

Inner Workings of Infrared Photography

Visible light occupies a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths ranging from 380 to 750nm. Infrared is at the longer wavelength, just above (>750nm).

All standard digital cameras have an internal, physical filter that blocks IR wavelengths from reaching the sensor. When converting a camera for infrared, this filter is removed and replaced with a filter that accepts the longer IR wavelengths (rejecting the shorter visible light wavelengths).

If you’re only interested in pure B&W images and maximizing the natural contrast of IR, then an 830nm can be installed that will accept only IR wavelengths (> 830nm). However, if the photographer is interested in generating false color images, a filter is installed with a wavelength cutoff that allows a mixture of visible and IR light. The more visible light allowed, the stronger the false color image. These “color” IR filters will have wavelength ranges from 720nm (weak color) to 470nm (strong color).

Fortunately, special lenses are not required for infrared.

But, photographers shooting with Infrared converted DSLR cameras have to compensate while focusing for the fact that there’s a difference in the wavelengths of Infrared light vs. visible light. You’d do this by either calibrating the focus of your AF lenses to work properly or manually focus and use the red IR focus scale on the lens.

Mirrorless cameras however, due to their design, actually compensate for the focus shift and are ideal for converting to Infrared photography only.

The other issue you may run into with your lens choice is a lens “hot spot” or bright, hazy circle that appears in the center of an IR image mainly due to the anti-reflective coatings on the lens. Hot spots vary in degree with some lenses being unusable and others exhibiting nothing. Mild or light hot spots can be corrected in post-processing. Fortunately, lens databases have been created to characterize hot spot potential and should be consulted when selecting lenses for IR photography.

Lastly, you’ll want to set a custom white balance, either in the camera or in post-processing software. My workflow involves the latter. Even with a proper white balance, the skies in false color IR images will take on a red tone. So, I’ll use Adobe Photoshop to perform a “channel swap”, where the red and blue channels are swapped to restore the sky to blue. Then further adjustments to the other color channels can manipulate the hue and saturation of foliage to yellow or pink or white.

Red Waterfalls photographed by Chris Baker using an Infrared converted camera
Mardis Mill Falls in Blountsville, AL. Nikon Z 5 converted with an internal 590nm IR filter with an external 16-stop Neutral Density filter on the lens, NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S lens at 25.5mm focal length, f/10, 30 sec, ISO 125.

Chris has one Nikon Z 5 that is converted to Infrared with a 590nm supercolor filter.

This filter allows me to produce strong false color images, while still retaining enough contrast to convert into B&W in post-production if I decide to produce a more traditional monochrome IR image.

For scenarios where I know I’ll want a black and white image, I’ll attach my 720nm external filter to limit the visible light even further and isolate more of the IR spectrum.

Eye-catching Subjects

Chris says nature and landscape photography is his first love. Noting that Infrared photography is at its most effective in nature scenes with the way foliage and water and sky contrast. Objects that absorb IR light, such as sky and water, will render very dark and objects that reflect IR will render very bright.

It’s such a different and distinctive look that cannot be replicated in software. I’ve always enjoyed the challenge of taking something familiar and finding a unique way of shooting it, whether it’s trying different lenses or changing camera angles or experimenting with artificial lighting. Infrared is yet another tool to add to my toolbox for this purpose.

With monochrome IR imagery, textures and patterns in nature that are normally hidden by dark greens in leaves or bright colors in flowers become more prominent. In false color imagery, I’m not bound by traditional colors. Trees and grass can become yellow or magenta or pink or blue and give a scene a dream-like or other-worldly quality.

We asked Chris which subjects he felt worked better for Infrared photography.

Any scene with live foliage tends to look better in infrared because the typical green leaves and blue skies are not a dynamic color combination.

Think about the popularity of photographing fall foliage, he explains, where photographers will flock to capture the changing leaves because they’re more interesting and appealing to see. IR offers this same visual appeal but I can shoot in the middle of the day in the heat of the summer and generate a false color image of a tree in pink or yellow contrasted against a deep blue sky. Or, take that same scene and render it in B&W to make the foliage appear white against a black sky giving the scene a wintery look.

Photo of yellow foliage on trees and grass against a deep blue sky, infrared photography by Chris Baker using a converted camera
Soybean Sunrise in East Limestone County, AL. Nikon Z 5 converted with an internal 590nm IR filter, NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S lens at 24mm focal length, f/11, 1/400 sec, ISO 100.

Problem solving

While Chris has a love for nature and wildlife, he says he’ll experiment in most other genres as it satisfies his problem-solving nature. “Each has its own unique challenges and I love that problem solving aspect and opportunity to expand my knowledge.” He also does a lot of macro shooting—of flowers and insects.

He says that the most successful images document some type of interesting behavior.

“To capture those moments requires patience, persistence, a tolerance for bugs, and a willingness to get dirty, as I prefer to shoot from very low angles”, he concludes.


Beneath the Waves

Z 6, NIKKOR Z 35mm f/1.8 S. An elderly sea turtle was kind enough to let me observe them feeding on the seagrass and algae stuck to the coral reef.

What do you get when you combine a lifelong love of the water with a passion for photography, and then move half-way around the world to paradise that is Guam? For Geremy Grey, it’s the ability to pursue an interest in underwater photography. As a snorkeler and free diver, Geremy expresses his creativity through photographs taken both above and below the water line, using an AquaTech Imaging Solutions underwater housing for his Z 6, which gives him full control over his camera. He also plans to become a certified SCUBA diver.

Geremy says he’s continuously inspired by the beauty within the water, with hopes to expand his underwater photography exploration abroad, capturing oceanic scenes and wildlife in other parts of the world.

I’ve always had an interest in underwater photography. I have followed a bunch of photographers in the field for a long while now and was always envious of their work. Once we moved to Guam, I knew that I had to seize the opportunity to start my journey with underwater photography.

Z 6, NIKKOR Z 35mm f/1.8 S. An inverted photo of the surface of the ocean as the light from a setting sun pierced through and created beautiful rays.

Into the Wild

See the ocean as something to be treasured; to be in awe of the possibilities the ocean carries within it.

Geremy says he’s motivated by the unknown. “You can look up the tide charts, know what the weather will be, but its nearly impossible to know what you’ll be able to capture, how the light will affect the water, or what wildlife you will encounter on that swim. It’s exciting to go out and see what the ocean has to offer!”

Z 6, NIKKOR Z 35mm f/1.8 S. A black tip reef shark swimming off while light was shining through the ocean creating an almost paint brush stroke like effect. One of the most beautiful scenes that I’ve had the opportunity to capture.

Geremy’s favorite underwater subjects include wildlife, particularly sharks. “Getting over the fear was a big leap in my journey to photograph wild sharks which is making it all the more rewarding,” he says.

Above the surface, Geremy is fascinated by waves and the water itself. “The sheer force they carry and the beauty they produce is something I strive to capture in my images,” he explains.

Experimenting with rays of light and how light shines through the water is another subject he is fascinated with.

Color is also an important part of the imagery that Geremy creates.

We see the ocean and it’s typically blue. What I like to explore is the varying degrees of color that can be found within that spectrum. Factors such as time of day, lighting conditions, and weather all affect the different hues of blue that we see. This is incredibly apparent under water. The same spot can be a totally different shade of blue at any given moment.

Z 6, NIKKOR Z 35mm f/1.8 S. A photo of one of the most beautiful and saturated sunsets that I have seen while on Guam, taken at Tanguisson beach.

Dipping your toes into underwater photography

For anyone who’s ever had an interest in underwater photography but never ventured to try it out, there are a few things to keep in mind—both while taking pictures as well as post processing.

Shoot RAW. Learn how to bring back tones in post processing and be patient with the process. Shooting underwater can feel unnatural, but with enough exposure and time in the water, you’ll grow comfortable with it.

Always respect the ocean and the wildlife. It’s often apparent if they’re bothered by you, so respect their space and move along. If you go out enough, you’ll get an image, but also be okay with leaving a dive with nothing exciting. It happens to us all!

Geremy uses Lightroom Classic to process his RAW images. He shoots RAW NEF files to be able to keep as much color as possible in the image files. He notes that he usually starts with color calibration and then move into lighting after he’s nailed down the colors. He admits that at times, he’ll walk away from an image and come back to it with fresh eyes. Geremy adds, “Underwater post-processing is significantly different from any other form of photography I’ve done. It’s a challenge, but the results are extremely rewarding.”

Z 6, NIKKOR Z 35mm f/1.8 S. A more minimalistic shot that I had wanted to capture. A beautiful sunset with a few palm trees simply silhouetted out. The image is something I see in my head when I think tropical island vibes.

Underwater Bucket List

I’d really like to photograph Whale sharks and Great White sharks at some point. They can’t be found on Guam, so it’s a trip I’m looking forward to in the future. As far as locations, I would love to visit Australia. I follow a bunch of seascape and surf photographers from there and would absolutely love to get in the water to see what I can create.

What about the next five years?

I see myself continuing on this journey of underwater photography. I still have much to learn, many places to visit and photograph, so the opportunities are endless. I’d like to travel more with the intent to shoot different wildlife and seascapes around the world.

No longer a portrait/event photographer, Geremy emphasizes his underwater, wildlife, and documentary travel style photography on his website and Instagram. Although, he has experimented with underwater portraits a few times. He adds, “It’s definitely something I’m wanting to expand on. If approached by a couple who wanted some sort of underwater wedding shoot, I don’t think I’d be able to resist!”

Landscape Street

Reinvention: Pushing Creativity

Manny Khan photo of a park bench with autumn leaves on it
The beauty of the fallen leaves saying goodbye. Flushing Meadows Corona Park, N.Y.

Manny Khan’s photographic journey began with the camera in his smartphone, and after a couple years of sharing images socially and generating positive feedback, Manny wondered about the possibilities that lie with a real camera. His first camera was a Nikon DSLR. Manny used that camera to teach himself about exposure, settings, and by watching how-to videos on YouTube and experimenting he found his niche and style. He’s since upgraded to a Nikon Z 7II mirrorless camera that fits his “evolved style of shooting”, as he notes.

His inspiration comes from the endless picturesque streets, waterfronts and skyline of NYC—year-round, being able to photograph these familiar subjects under different weather and lighting conditions.

Manny defines his work as storytelling through his compositions: “combining available light, shadows, color and textures that evoke emotion and drama in my photos.”

Manny Khan photo of a park bench and streetlamp in the snow
Winter wonderland in Roosevelt Island N.Y.

Challenge Yourself

When you’re photographing a similar subject often, you end up challenging yourself to make each image uniquely different from the last. The perspectives in the city are unlimited, lending to the myriad ways of photographing one subject so differently each time.

“The layout of NYC park benches is very intriguing to the eye. Pairing that with city views and lamp posts provides me opportunities to experiment with depth of field to frame my shots with the NYC skyline.”

He’ll often use low-angled perspectives or experiment with different points of view to draw the viewer into the image. Manny explains, “[With] Park benches in particular I look for foreground and any elements such as wooden textures and leading lines that may add to the dynamics of the shot.”

Manny Khan photo of a park bench covered in cherry blossom petals
The fallen blossoms beautifying the empty bench. Roosevelt Island, N.Y.

The Beauty of Cherry Blossoms

“Cherry blossoms are signs of new life. Their life cycle is short lived, yet they are so symbolic. I have always loved the unique beauty of cherry blossoms and the positive energy they evoke in people. During the month of April every year, it is an absolute delight to capture the cherry blossoms in NYC, particularly on Roosevelt Island.”

Photographing cherry blossoms on park benches allowed Manny to capture two of his favorite subjects—the blossoms and the park bench. He explains, “In the image of the cherry blossoms looking through the arm rest (above), the drizzle and gray skies helped achieve the moody tones for that image.” The image of the bench at night with the city in the background (below) used the same technique, but at a different time of day. Manny was able to use the light from the lamp post in the scene to provide additional lighting, to showcase the rich texture of the bench and compose the image with deep colors.

Manny Khan photo of a park bench at night with the NYC skyline in the background
Escaping into the blue hour. Gantry Plaza State Park, N.Y.

The Scene Makes the Image

Choosing how to photograph a landscape or cityscape can be subjective. Do you go out to shoot in bright sunshine or wait for gloomy, stormy days? Each of those images will give the viewer a different message. Manny says, “I generally compose my images of the locations I visit based on the weather conditions, surroundings and available light.”

“During cloudy and rainy days, I’m captivated with the gray skies, fog and soft light of the atmosphere—incorporating that with shadows and reflections to compose a dark and moody image, sometimes incorporating people with umbrellas which I feel adds to the storytelling of that particular image.”

Manny Khan photo of a park bench and cherry blossom tree
The fallen blossoms under the gloomy skies. Roosevelt Island, N.Y.

“On bright and sunny days, I love to capture the crisp blue skies and glow of sunlight. Those bright and colorful days are also perfect for nature walks and capturing the deep greens, yellows, and oranges.”

The next time you’ve got the urge to go out to shoot but don’t really have a subject in mind, don’t be afraid to challenge yourself to take a new look at an old, familiar subject.

Abstract Macro

Into the Abstract Macro World

Jasmin Javon abstract macro photo with shades of blue
HIATUS. Macro subject: oil, water, food coloring, dish soap, and glycerin. Camera settings: f/8, 1/500 sec shutter speed, ISO 100.

Photographer Jasmin Javon is passionate about photography and her specialty is macro abstract photography.

“Each style of photography has its own element that captivates me. I enjoy landscape photography for the way it submerges me into the beauty of nature; B&W photography, for the way it plays with light; and portrait photography for the way it captures the essence and identity of someone. I started out as a portrait photographer, so it will always have a place in my heart.”

With her abstract macro work, she lives to create art that makes you pause and explore the work in detail with your imagination. In fact, she utilizes composition, angle and light or exaggeration of elements like form, shape, color and texture to turn a photograph into a piece of art. She defines her work as Abstract Fine Art or Photographic Abstract Art.

“I’m inspired by art itself and the art in nature. The way the clouds move across the sky, or the reflection of the setting sun on the ocean. I also get inspired watching artists do things like paint pours, or work with acrylic resins. I can watch that stuff for hours. I LOVE watching creators put their soul into their work. That’s what inspires me to do the same.”

Jasmin Javon macro abstract photo of colorful soap bubbles
VITREOUS. Macro subject: soap bubbles. Camera settings: f/5.3 1/125 sec shutter speed, ISO 1100.

Techniques in macro

There are a variety of techniques that Jasmin uses to create her abstract art, however they’re all macro. In fact, early on she had only an entry-level DSLR, kit lens and extension tubes to make these images. She’s since moved to the Z 50 mirrorless camera and NIKKOR Z MC 50mm f/2.8 lens.

Jasmin taught herself the various techniques she uses by doing a lot of research on the internet. She explains that she was determined to perfect her craft.

“At the time [I began] I couldn’t afford a true macro lens so my first thought was “How can I accomplish the same results of a macro lens on a budget?” The answer was extension tubes. The only con about using these tubes was the extra weight they added to the camera.”

“Macro techniques allow me to zoom in on the details I find most intriguing compositionally. All of the images I take require selective focus to capture the tiny details, shapes and colors.”

Some images use a technique similar to what you would do to create a fluid painting, others are more simple—soap bubbles or oil and water, or tendrils of smoke.

Jasmin started off photographing oil and water and her photography has: “evolved into more than I could have anticipated,” she says. She has used common household products to create thought provoking images. Jasmin says she finds inspiration in the beauty of things that you typically wouldn’t pay much attention to.

“The pure and simple interaction between water and oil is beautiful in the right light.”

Jasmin Javon macro abstract photo of oil and water
QUEST. Macro subject: oil on water, placed over a brightly lit backdrop. Camera settings: f/5.6, 1/125 sec shutter speed, ISO 1400.

Putting in the work

Jasmin says she aims to shoot twice a week, for a minimum of 2-3 hours at a time. “I just get lost in it,” she says. “When I’m shooting, I typically have an idea in mind of what technique I’ll use and even what colors I want to go with,” she says. Jasmin keeps a master list of ideas and adds to the list as inspiration strikes. However, she’ll also let spontaneity dictate what she shoots. “I will change up the colors and styles at least 3-4 times during one shoot,” she explains.

Jasmin is always testing different materials, in different lighting with different colors and shapes to see what she can change from the last shoot. “I never want my audience to get bored with my work. I love creating new things because it makes me realize how limitless this craft is. I crave the creative aspect of making something out of nothing. It is so satisfying and invigorating to me. Moreover, I want to appeal to more than just one person’s interests.”

“The NIKKOR Z MC 50mm f/2.8 lens is just remarkable,” Jasmin notes. “I was very surprised at how compact and lightweight this camera is with the lens attached.”

“I thoroughly enjoy the sharpness of the images I get and how easily I am able to focus tightly on subjects.” She also loves the versatility of the lens, “I can go from macro to full frame in an instant.”

Jasmin Javon abstract macro photo of colorful dyes mixed with oil and water
EXUBERANCE. Macro subject: oil, water, food coloring, dish soap and glycerin on acrylic sheet placed over an LED light. Camera settings: f/4.2, 1/5000 sec shutter speed, ISO 320.

Just doing it

Jasmin had worked as a studio portrait photographer and even for Disneyland as a Photopass photographer. While she loved bringing memories to people that she knew would be cherished forever, she also wanted her work to be taken more seriously.

She thought to herself, “What do I have to lose if I go after my dream of being a photographer?” Jasmin says she took that and ran with it. “My first camera ever was a Nikon COOLPIX 2500 and here I am being interviewed by one of the top camera companies in the world. I am living testimony that going after what you’re passionate about can only bring good things to you. I believe if you go after what you love doing with all your heart, you can’t fail.”

Jasmin utilizes Instagram to build awareness about her abstract macro photography and has been able to reach a worldwide audience for her work. “I love engaging with fellow artists & photographers, reaching new audiences, and exploring the works of like-minded creators.”

Jasmin Javon macro abstract photo of white smoke on a black background
FLOW. Macro subject: smoke from burning incense cone. The trick is to get the moving smoke in focus. Camera settings: f/3.8 1/4000s ISO 45600.
Photographic Portrait

Storytelling Through Photography

Inari Briana portrait of a female model smiling with eyes closed

Inari Briana is a photographer first and foremost however she also delves into the world of content creation because, as she says, “there is no limit to how creative you can be.”

Inspired by cinema, music, and pop culture, her work is split about 50/50 commercial and portraiture.

“Growing up, I was always an escapist. I would dive into the world of television, letting my mind roam and thinking of ways to enhance what I see and pay homage to those who’ve come before me. I would get inspired by the photographs in magazines and advertisements. Whenever something caught my eye, I always found a way to make it my own.”

Inari defines her work as colorful, bold and cinematic.

“I am very particular about the colors I use in my portraits. Cinema and film will forever play a role in how I capture my images, whether it be the colors or how it’s shot.”

Another important element to her work is storytelling.

“Storytelling is the embodiment of how my imagery looks. Every image I capture has a meaning behind why it is captured. Although some images are only used for promotional purposes, I still manage to find ways to express myself through my own projects. What better way to do that than with the art of storytelling?”

Inari Briana portrait of a couple in an embrace, with closed eyes

Stepping in front of the camera

“I make it my mission to bring the beauty and confidence out of each person I shoot,” Inari says. In fact, she has often taken to stepping in front of the camera to show how anyone can be confident.

“Being in front of the camera used to be the biggest challenge for me. Meeting me now, you’d never believe that at one point in time, I was shy and self-conscious about how I looked.” She explains that it was necessary for her to see herself as others do. “Being in front of the camera truly helped with my confidence 100%,” she says, adding, “Not only did it help with my confidence, but it revealed how I should go about directing my models for shoots and creating an atmosphere where my clients feel the most confident.”

I believe that everyone is beautiful even when they don’t believe it themselves. Confidence is a viable trait to have and could sometimes be hard to gain or maintain. If there is any way to make sure that each person, I work with can give me at least 95%, I will do whatever it takes to make it happen.

“Growing up, I had always been insecure about the color of my skin. It took me a very long time to embrace the skin that I’m in. Although I can shoot any and every skin color, I enjoy shooting dark skin and highlighting that black skin is very beautiful.”

Inari Briana portrait of a young man in water with leaves

Surrounding yourself with like-minded creatives

Inari is a member of the Black Women Photographers group. She explains how important the group is for like-minded creatives:

“Having a group like Black Women Photographers is extremely important for women like myself. We need a support system like BWP to give younger creatives a chance to see that they aren’t alone and that there are opportunities and resources for all of us, despite what we may have always believed.”

Inari elaborates further:

“There are many challenges that come with being a black photographer let alone a black female photographer. You can believe your work is just as good as the next person but there is always going to be someone right behind you telling you that you’re not that great… It can sometimes feel like there are so many things stacked against you.”

Inari Briana portrait of a young woman with flwers painted on her face

Prepping for a shoot

Inari explains how she goes about creating concepts for her commercial shoots. She begins with mood boards or pitch decks. Once a concept is agreed upon, she’ll start producing the project. “I am constantly looking for ways to create something different [for every shoot],” she explains, though her style can be seen throughout all of her work.

Inari utilizes both backgrounds and props smartly, depending upon the type of shoot she’s on. She’s even found herself finding small props and creating shoots around them. She loves using textured backdrops as well. She notes that set design really helps you set the tone for how your projects will run. “I love color. I also tend to find myself being very minimal with colors so when I do use it, I make sure it stands out and sets the tone for the shoot,” Inari says.

Inari Briana portrait of a model sitting in a chair with a brown background

A tip for young creatives

We asked Inari for advice she’d offer to young creatives thinking about a career in photography. “Don’t talk about it [leaping into photography], just do it. The more you talk about it, the easier it is to talk yourself out of it. Just rip the band-aid off and start the journey. You won’t regret it,” she concludes.

Food Photographic

Cooking Up Mouthwatering Food Photographs

Bella Karragiannidis photo of a baker making a raspberry cake
Raspberry coffee cake in the making

Bella Karragiannidis and her husband started their popular food blog Ful-filled as a way to share their passion for real food, true health and living life with purpose. Their dream is to write a cookbook together. Since Bella had always had an interest in photography, she easily gravitated to photographing the food they cooked for the blog.

Bella’s cooking and photography skills are self-taught, although she had taken some photography classes in high school. Her passion for art and design comes through in her imagery. 

Bella Karragiannidis photo of a pumpkin mousse pie and piece on a plate
Pumpkin Mousse pie

Food photography prep

When it comes to capturing food at its best, preparation is key.

Bella finds the best way to prepare for her shoots is to select props, set up the camera and test the lighting set-up before she begins to prepare the food. “This way I can capture my final shots quickly, so the food looks its freshest,” she says.

And because she and her husband eat everything she makes, you won’t find any fake ingredients in her dishes. 

She does note that on commercial shoots, she may employ some of the more well-known non-edible ingredients that food photographers rely on to achieve project goals.

My biggest inspiration comes from the seasons. Cooking with the seasons means that seasonal produce is a large part of what I photograph. 

Bella Karragiannidis photo of just harvested quince fruit
Quince harvest

Setting the table… for the shot

As you’ll find with many genres of photography, composition is one of the key elements of making a great food photograph. Bella explains how some of the compositional decisions are made when she’s creating images. 

Flat lays and overhead shots are a great way to showcase ingredients and recipes. It also echoes the viewpoint of the cook or the person who gets to enjoy the food, so this perspective feels very natural to the viewer. 

She notes that interest is generated through the use of props, compositional arrangement and selective cropping.

Rather than just featuring one dish perfectly centered, for example, interest can be added to a photo by using varying sizes of props (plates, bowls, platters, cutlery, glassware) and by arranging them in a loose, organic manner. When a portion of a plate or prop is cropped out, this can help anchor the image and guide the viewer to focus more closely on the details of the main subject. 

And adding in the cook, chef or baker adds to the image, making it more personal and helping the viewer connect with the creator of the delectable dish. 

Incorporating the human element is a powerful way to tell stories in food photography. Whether it is to show an example of a cooking technique or to add a sense of celebration, utilizing the human element is a great way to connect the viewer to a food photo. 

Bella Karragiannidis photo of a woman ready to eat a pot pie
Mushroom & wild rice pot pie

Challenges, advice & looking into the future

We asked Bella what challenges she’s had in her work. 

The challenges of food photography tend to change depending on what you are shooting. Foods like meat and ice cream are very time sensitive, as their looks change dramatically based on their temperature. In contrast, it can also be difficult to capture simple foods in compelling ways – this is when composition becomes the challenge. 

She explained that she and her husband plan on moving back to Greece in the future, so that her work, “will become even more influenced by the foods and culture of the country.” She says they also plan to renovate an old home in their village, which will be a joy to chronicle through her camera.

Bella Karragiannidis photo of plums just picked from the tree
Fresh picked plums, straight from the plum tree in our backyard. Much of the produce that I photograph was either grown on our property or in our neighborhood.

We asked Bella for advice on other creators looking to delve into food photography. 

Never forget that you are an original. By nature, there is no one like you. Which means that no one else thinks like you, sees like you, and therefore, no one else can create like you. It is easy to feel discouraged when there are SO many food photographers in the world, but if you have a passion, then you have a unique perspective that is worth sharing.

Photographic Wildlife

Grazing on Images of Wild Horses

Somer McCain photo of horses in silhouette against the sky
Ridge runners of the Stewart Creek herd area, Wyoming.

Wildlife and equine photographer Somer McCain has always had a love for horses, having grown up riding them. After moving to Colorado a few years back, she began photographing horse shows and wild horses. “I feel like I’ve found a niche that I’m very passionate about in the wild horses,” she explains. Other wildlife Somer often photographs include elk, pronghorns, coyotes, grouse, and raptors, which she’ll come across when searching for wild horses.

Check out her Instagram feed and you’ll see it is full of images of wild horses.

“As a horse person, being able to watch them in the wild feels pretty special. You get to witness behaviors and interactions that are otherwise micromanaged in domestic horses to minimize injuries. The flip side is that you get to witness the natural consequences of that and see life come full circle.”

Somer McCain photo of a family of 3 horses on the open plains
Small family band at sunrise in Lost Creek herd area, Wyoming.

Somer is acutely aware of the etiquette around photographing wildlife. For example, wild horse viewing dictates you keep a minimum 100 feet from the animals so you don’t disturb them causing them to change their behavior. Because of this she will often use a 500mm lens on her Z cameras.

“The horses I photograph vary from overly curious and walking towards me to some that will take off at the sight of my vehicle from a mile away. My main lens now is the 500mm and its managed to be a pretty good sweet spot for the variety of tolerance the horses have for my presence.”

Somer McCain photo of a horse in B&W
“Stallion keeping an eye on me near Pilot Butte Scenic Horse Loop, Wyoming.”

As with many other types of photography, composition and lighting are both integral parts of Somer’s photography.

Placing the horizon lines in the lower third of the images showcases the great open spaces they’re found on.

“I always knew wild mustangs were out there but never gave much thought to ‘where?’ So I definitely like to showcase the spaces they’re in when I can to emphasize that they do not live in a vacuum and make their existence in the wild more real for others.”

“I really like getting backlit photos when I can. I feel like it conveys the same sense of magic and wonder that I experience when I’m out there. And while I’d like to have my preferred lighting in all scenarios, it’s really dependent on if I can find the right horses at the right time. So I take what I can get and work around what the horses will let me have.”

Somer explains: “For instance, the silhouettes with the blue sky is one of my favorites and a really lucky shot. This particular herd always takes off when they see my vehicle and I was very fortunate to be slightly ahead of them and turn off onto a dirt two track road just in time to catch them up high on a ridge. One of my favorite parts of photographing wild horses is that a lot of my shots feel ‘lucky’ because I really can’t explicitly plan out shots that I want. It’s very much a hunt of sorts.”

She continues, “For less reactive horses I really like to get them with a softer light to emphasize the delicate and emotional interactions they can have with each other.”

Somer McCain photo of a horse with bokeh in the foreground
‘Tango’ pinto stallion of Sand Wash Basin, Colorado.

5 tips for photographing horses, wild & domestic:

  • For wild horses, a good ability to read horse/wildlife behavior in general is very helpful. Too much physical presence applies pressure to them that will cause them to move away from you or potentially have an aggressive reaction. It’s important to remember these are wild horses and will react to protect themselves or let you know if you ever get too close.
  • You must keep at least 100 feet from wild horses you encounter.
  • When photographing, the positioning of the legs can be important. Having their hind legs under them and their front legs really reaching forward implies a sense of power and forward movement. While having their legs “just anywhere” can make them appear gangly and awkward.
  • They also spend a lot of time with their heads down and hidden while grazing, so you have to be patient and wait for them to pick up their heads.
  • Be prepared to do a bit of driving when photographing wild horses. Many of the herd areas have mostly decent roads throughout hundreds of thousands of acres so driving a lot is a guarantee but seeing horses where you want them to be is not.
Somer McCain photo of a horse and foal
Foal and yearling sharing a moment near Pilot Butte Scenic Horse Loop, Wyoming.

Photographic Portrait Street

Mighty Little Snapshooter

Bobby Kenny III photo of a couple in low light
Self-portrait using the headlight of Bobby’s motorcycle to backlight himself and his fiancé. The camera was set with a 10 second self-timer and the couple were on their knees to position the light exactly where it was wanted.

Portrait and wedding photographer Bobby Kenney III recently had the opportunity to use the compact and lightweight NIKKOR Z 28mm f/2.8 lens and shares some of the images he created as well as his thoughts about this compact prime mirrorless lens.

“The NIKKOR Z 28mm f/2.8 lens is an absolutely wonderful lens, and to be honest one of my favorite lenses for portraits.”

He explains that the lens is wide enough to make it versatile in shooting portraits—both close-up and full length. Having previously used a 20mm prime for portrait photography, Bobby says the 28 is a perfect middle ground: “to capture the unique wide angle look that I want for my portraits and while still looking natural.”

Another great benefit of this lens is its size, how small and lightweight it is. This lens gives a powerfully unique perspective and really aids in the capturing of eye-catching portraits.

Both prime lenses and zoom lenses have their place in a photographer’s camera bag, and while Bobby has used zooms, he says he really loves prime lenses.

“Prime lenses have a clean, crisp look to them. They also inspire and enable more creativity with angles, as they lead you to move around more and test out your range of different perspectives.”

Bobby Kenny III photo of a girl and her reflection outdoors
Shooting portraits with mirrors and reflections has a powerful effect on photos. Bobby explains that he loves the aesthetic look of symmetry, which would have been unachievable in this portrait without the reflection. Note that its Bobby’s shadow that creates the ability to see the model clearly on the other side of the glass, as it blocks the reflection of what’s behind him.

Benefits of Z Mirrorless

“The Nikon Z system is the greatest camera system I’ve ever used. It produces extremely high quality and high-resolution images, and has such a clean, natural look to them that I haven’t seen with other systems.”

Bobby says using the Z system has also made shooting much simpler. With the electronic viewfinder, shooting has never been so easy and precise. As you change the ISO, aperture, and shutter speed, you can see how the picture is going to look before you take it, unlike the constant back and forth of checking pictures taken on a DSLR to make sure they’ll turn out okay.

He notes that the autofocus is also extremely quick, which is a huge help when photographing weddings. Other features he can’t live without include the low light shooting capabilities and the high quality of the NIKKOR Z lenses, which he says, “are phenomenal, and far surpass any lenses I’ve used with a DSLR.”

Bobby Kenny III photo of a girl and reflections from behind glass
Shooting through glass can be a little bit of a challenge, since the model on the other side can’t really hear Bobby’s directions. He’ll pose as an example for the model to replicate.

Beautiful Beautiful Bokeh

Bokeh is something that Bobby utilizes often in his images.

“The bokeh from a wide aperture lens is absolutely beautiful. It really helps to draw the focus to the subject, and really makes portraits pop. There is so much you can do with creating an aesthetic background using bokeh, as shapes, colors and lights blurred out in the background really add to the artfulness of the picture.“

“The same is true with the foreground, whether it’s subtle circles from lights, blurred colors from leaves, or anything else you can use in between you and the subject to add a creative touch to portraits, the wide aperture really extends your horizon for the composition and feel of a photo.”

Bobby Kenny III photo of a guy looking at the camera with long dreadlocks
I had to really duck down to capture this one of Keem! The round multi-floor architecture and the glass rotunda of the Cleveland Arcade was absolutely gorgeous, and with the wideness of the 28mm I was able to really capture its beauty for the backdrop!

Getting into the Picture

As a photographer, it also helps that Bobby himself is a model, so self-portraits are often the norm in his imagery.

“I love taking self-portraits.” To execute this, he’ll place his camera on a tripod, set the self-timer to 10 seconds (sometimes 20), and run into the scene. I really enjoy being able to insert myself into my work, and I would encourage all photographers to do it from time to time.”

Bobby Kenny III photo of a girl in sunlight with trees in the background
“For this shoot with Cassady, we had a lot of fun just simply walking through downtown Dayton, Ohio, looking for random patches of direct sunlight. Unlike most photographers, I love direct sunlight. When you place a model in a small patch of it with shadows surrounding, it creates a beautifully intense contrast. It really helps background colors to pop and the model to be the dramatic center of focus.”

Augmenting Reality

Along with props (check out this previous article) which can add to a photographer’s creativity, Bobby also utilizes shooting through glass windows often as well as using prisms to create a unique look.

“I really enjoy shooting through glass, as you never know how the reflections are going to look. It adds an abstract artsiness of shapes and lines to portraits. You can move ever so slightly to the right or left, and both the lights from inside and the background outside all move, which is really fun to explore.”

Using prisms can really add to a composition, Bobby notes. It can turn “a simple portrait with lights in the background into a unique artsy conceptual photo with an interesting depth of field.”

Bobby Kenny III photo of girl with lights and reflections from a prism
From the last set of images shot that day, Bobby spotted the lights and knew he had to photograph them. Alli was game. He says he had her stand under the lights and grabbed a prism. “My goal was to just surround her with the lights, using the prism to add a foreground of the lights that were behind her and above her.”
Photographic Portrait

Go Play: With Depth of Field for Beautiful Bokeh

Gabriela Herman photo of a woman among cherry blossoms
Taken during Cherry Blossom season, the wide f/2 aperture of the NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 lens lets you get creative with depth of field.

Gabriela Herman is a commercial, editorial and lifestyle photographer who had the opportunity to shoot with the NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 lens early on. After putting the lens through its paces, Gabriela found it to be the “perfect ‘take with you everywhere’ lens not only for the focal length but also the size of the lens, being lightweight and super portable. It’s wide enough to capture full scenes but also can be used for beautifully composed portraits. It’s a great lens for a travel shoot if you can only take one with you,” she says.

The NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 is an ultra-compact prime lens that is easily at home on an FX or DX format Z series mirrorless camera. The lens is a 60mm equivalent on a DX format camera. The fast f/2 aperture makes it ideal for shooting in low light. The wide aperture lets you play with depth of field to create images with beautiful bokeh. And with its small size, you’ll want to take it everywhere.

Gabriela Herman photo of a couple out of focus and plants in the foreground
Photograph of a couple, purposely out of focus in the background. Easily captured because of the wide aperture of the NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 lens.

Gabriela added Z series mirrorless cameras to her photographic gear after having the opportunity to shoot with the Z 50 (DX) camera.

“I love the portability, the size and weight of the Z cameras compared to my DSLRs. It [really] is the perfect camera to just take with me anywhere.”

Gabriela Herman photo of a woman holding a lens ball with her portrait showing
Isabella holding a lens ball. Props like this make for fun and creative portraits. The NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 lens allowed Gabriela to get close to her subject for this image.

This shoot was a dream assignment, Gabriela says, in that she had the freedom to do the talent casting, location scouting and had the ability to shoot in her own photographic style. And that’s the ultimate goal—to shoot with your own voice.

Idea Generation

Idea generation often comes from a client, but not always. “Sometimes I’ll create a mood board but I always make time to try something that isn’t on the shot list,” she says, adding: “Scouting is key. For me it’s more about being in the place, seeing the light and interacting with my subjects that I get inspired to take the shoot in a certain direction.”

Gabriela Herman photo of a man in a blue hoodie in a marsh
Using a wide aperture on the NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 lens to separate Omari from the background.

Because Gabriela does a mix of editorial, commercial and lifestyle work, we asked her which she feels gives her the most creative freedom. “Editorial for sure, but more so than that, shooting for myself will always be the most freeing, where I can take the most risks and try new things. It’s those images and process that fuel me,” she explains.

Gabriela says she get often gets inspired by other photographers. “I love seeing what they’re up to on social media, it definitely motivates me.”

Gabriela Herman photo of a woman lying on colorful stairs
Lizzy, lying upside down on a set of colorful stairs, showcasing the wide view of the NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 lens.

Dream Jobs

Gabriela specializes in travel, food and lifestyle imagery so we asked her, what if you had to pick just one. Which would it be and why?

“I love that I’ve been able to have a career and not have to choose! I love being able to switch from one to the other. Travel photography is actually a perfect mix because when delivering a travel essay you generally need to provide a little food, some portraits, landscapes, interiors, details, a mix of everything and that’s how I love to shoot.”

“I love how photography takes me to places I’d never have known about—like the world of rodeo queens, or attending the Sturgis motorcycle rally.

Gabriela Herman photo of a woman among marsh reeds
Lizzy wearing a colorful outfit, in the middle of a salt marsh. The wide field of view of the NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 lens lends itself to photographs such as this one.